I'm one of the few people that wasn't super excited for Midsommar, I watched the trailer and didn't think anything of it really so I wasn't expecting a lot going into this watch. Yet, I actually ended up really enjoying this movie, I thought it was a really well crafted and well put together film that was both smart, interesting and coherent. I also think that this movie really flowed well, normally movies that try to be really complicated can get both messy and clunky but I thought that this movie didn't have that issue for the most part. I will say that there definitely some scenes that were a little stretched out and there some moments that just felt way out of place but for the most part the film was well organized and it was to stick with it and it was able to keep my attention.

The cast was just incredible, especially Florence Pugh who was absolutely incredible! After this and Fighting With My Family Florence has definitely landed herself on my radar for all of her future roles. Though Florence had a standout performance, I personally that the entire cast was great, the chemistry between the friends was fantastic, the creepy performances were on point and just about each side character had some incredible moments! One thing I think can make or break a performance is how someone delivers a line of dialogue, in this movie you can hear and feel the emotions in each performance because of how great the dialogue delivery really was in Midsommar.

I really liked that this movie just wasn't anything like I expected it to be, I mean I gotta give it up to Ari Aster he has done a great job at making his films unique to themselves. I mean there are times you can tell that this movie was directed by Ari but the film definitely feels a lot different than Hereditary and his ability to showcase a different style has made him one of my favourite modern horror directors right now! I would definitely like to see some more work with him and A-24. In terms of style, directing, story and atmosphere Midsommar is definitely one of the most unique and different horror films of modern cinema, I watch a lot of films and I really can't think of anything like and I couldn't think of anything like it while I was watching the movie. I mean I thought this movie was special and necessary to expand on the genre of horror and bought it on Blu-Ray as soon as it came out.

At the end of the day, Midsommar is easily one of the best films released this year and is just a great addition to the overall genre that is Horror cinema. The pacing and toning is great majority of the time but I can admit that both the tone and pace of the film can be off and if you aren't very invested in the film it can definitely take you out of the film. The movie also has some incredible and realistic dialogue, and actually, for a more unique and weird film, I think it does a great job at creating a really realistic setting, relationship and friendships. I really love the suspense the film brings and it is one of the few horror films this year that I have found genuinely thrilling and horrifying. It has a lot of great ideas and themes, I really enjoyed the relationship aspect of the movie and I just think Midsommar was a great film!
Rating: 9.2/10