Little Monsters is a clever, genuinely hilarious and unique zombie film that takes a really interesting and honestly captivating twist on the familiar zombie theme we've been given time and time again over the years. I really did enjoy the spin this movie took, I went in knowing what the twist was and I still loved it and felt like it was very satisfying and a great drawl in.

The one thing you should know about this movie if you've kept up with the marketing (trailers and posters) is that the movie center focus is not around Lupita Nyong'o and is actually centred around Alexander England who was absolutely incredible! I didn't know much about Alexander England like at all before this film so I wasn't expecting much from him but he was stellar! I loved every moment he was on screen, he took this characters and elevated him in both a likeable and comedic sense that made this movie so much fun to watch, hell I would've loved watching this movie if the entire thing was just about him trying to find love without any zombies at all.

He was definitely funny and made for a great, likeable, relatable and rootable main character. Even though this movie was centred around Lupita it doesn't change her strong presence and huge impact on this film. She played what is easily one of the most likeable and badass characters in cinema this year! Her performance was absolutely incredible and whenever she was on screen she was constantly stealing the show. Her dialogue delivery was incredible and I really believe she embodied this role. Lupita and Alexander were definitely the perfect one-two punch and has some amazing chemistry but what was really captivating was the chemistry between Alexander and Diesel La Torecca who delivered one of the best child performances of the year. The chemistry between this entire cast was great and just overall this cast was just fantastic delivering many compelling performances to really get you into the film.

I also this movie just had a great concept, screenplay and some fantastic writing. The movie was clever and smart but could also just be really stupid and over the top yet there wasn't a single moment where I thought "this is stupid" or "this is too much". I felt like everything positively to my experience, whether the comedy was subtle and smart or in your face and over the top. I think it goes without saying that this movie is definitely one of the most entertaining films of the year, the movie does such a great job at connecting you with the main character and understanding him that it creates a strong emotional connection between you in the film so you really do find yourself glued to the screen excited to see what will happen next while rooting for the main character to succeed.

At the end of the day, Little Monsters is a genuinely hilarious, cleverly written and action-packed Zombie movie that works as more than just a typical zombie movie. With a great style and atmosphere mixed with some of the most impressive acting of the year, Little Monsters managed to be one of the most legitimately captivating, compelling and shockingly fun films of the year! The most balances comedy with emotion perfectly and is easily one of the funniest films of the year, it does a great job at using different levels of comedy and because of that, I think it can really be a great watch for different viewers. The pacing was fantastic, the tone was great and the story was super entertaining, fun and easy to follow so I really think this is a movie everyone can watch and really just enjoy.
Rating: 8.7/10