Wow, All I could really say after finally watching this film was just wow. Room is emotional, thrilling, horrifying and yet somehow one of the most inspirational movies I've ever watched. The screenplay for this film is fantastic and the story is incredible, I can't wait to buy the book and get my experience reading this, I already ordered the BluRay so expect a rewatch review soon.

From the opening scene to the ending my eyes were glued to the screen because of how truly captivating and suspenseful this film truly was. This movie is also extremely emotional, there will be times you want to cry, punch the screen and even feel physically uncomfortable but that is what made this film so incredible for me. I feel like I probably cried multiple times while I watched this film but that's the effect it had on me, this movie truly was incredibly well crafted. This movie has an incredible screenplay, the characters were amazing, the writing was fantastic and they did a really good job at emotionally connecting me to the film, so good that it's been days since I watched this movie and I'm still constantly thinking about some of the intense and emotional moments.

The acting in this film was also phenomenal, Brie Larson delivered an incredible and career-defining performance and absolutely deserved her oscar win, Jacob Tremblay gave one of the greatest child performances in a film I've literally ever seen he totally got snubbed at the Oscars like he should have at least got nominated. I'm actually in awe of how fantastic the entire ensemble cast was like everyone was fantastic but I truly think Jacob Tremblay was the standout, he was incredible you could feel the emotion and character in his performance and his dialogue delivery and narration like scenes in this movie were insanely well executed.

I also really loved the way they edited this film! Every scene really connected well, the film was easy to follow and understand and I also thought that the audio mixing/editing was impressive and a necessity for this film to be pulled off so well. I really just appreciated all the hard work, passion and small difference-makers put into this movie from a technical aspect. This movie flowed really well, had fantastic pacing and a strong tone. Despite how dark, sad and horrifying this movie could be at times the film still had a lot of charm and heart especially surrounding Jacob Tremblay's character, there were definitely some heartwarming moments that played a necessary part in taking you out of the horrifying moments.

I really liked how they gradually handled actually showing Old Nick's face and more evil personality, it made you really feel this film through Jack's perspective. The escape scene was also flawless and handled perfectly, from the plan to the escape to the police finding Brie Larson it was all intense and just incredible filmmaking as well as incredible acting. I also thought this movie was really well shot, the camera work was fantastic and added another level to this film both visually and mentally. I could go on forever about why I thought Room was an incredible film.

At the end of the day, Room was an emotional, well crafted and just overall beautifully amazing film! The cast was incredible especially the two leads, it was really well shot, the writing was incredible, the characters were amazing, the story was captivating and just everything about Room was nearly flawless. This movie said a lot to me and has definitely stayed a part of me since I watched it, I can't stop thinking about this incredible film and that's how I know Room is a fantastic movie and is easily one of my favourite films this decade!
Rating: 9.8/10