I wish I could tell you this film was worth watching especially since I was actually kind of excited to watch it with all the big films being pushed back but this movie doesn't have a single redeemable quality. From the minute this film starts to the moment it ends I genuinely questioned why I was still putting myself through the displeasure of watching this film.

Normally I'm ok with watching bad films because I can normally take something away from watching it like a moment that is so bad that it's genuinely hilarious but this movie is just horrible and boring. The worst part is that this movie does everything to be the opposite of boring like introducing way too many plots and unnecessary moments/characters but everything is so generic and predictable that it all becomes one giant boring and just hard to sit through this mess of a film.

I honestly can't believe someone watched this final cut and thought that this was any good at all. Even the acting was subpar and phoned in, Camila was almost decent but seemed to lack the maturity in her performance to really drawl anything in, and of course the character she played like everyone else was just completely oblivious. It was astonishing how frustrated the idiocy of these characters who were supposed to be at least somewhat intelligent really was.

Then on top of that, all the personal conflict was ridiculous and just straight up unrealistic and stupid. Almost every character was unsatisfying and the entire investigation plot was just one ridiculous thing after another. Yet somehow everything was extremely obvious and predictable, every reveal and every break in the case and even every piece of dialogue was just predictable.

Seriously though, if you want to watch a film with any sort of substance, quality, or just something that is remotely engaging and interesting then this is definitely not the film to watch. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone because it was truly a pain to sit through and now a part of me regrets doing so.