It Chapter 2 is boring, long and often unbearable to watch, yet a phenomenal performance by Bill Hader who carries this movie almost makes the entire experience worthwhile. Don't get me wrong, this movie had some great moments and introduces some great ideas but the film is just so long and dragged out that the overall film is just hard to watch. The movie actually starts off really well with a fantastic opening scene which introduces two new and interesting characters on screen and gets you furtherly emotionally connected to the film immediately.
Yet what started off as a great opening with some of the best dialogue of the series gets ruined when the film starts getting unnecessarily over the top. The first death is ridiculous to me and it throws me off right away and because of that, it has no positive impact on my experience watching the film at all. Another thing I didn't like about this movie was that it really missed it's mark in terms of psychological horror and really just horror in general, not only is the movie just not scary but you don't feel the psychological terror or connection in this movie.
This sucks because Pennywise is one of the greatest horror villains in cinema because of the psychological aspect of the character and its story, this movie does a really bad job at explaining or even showing the effects of the insane amount of psychological trauma these characters went through as a kid and other then a few minor scenes the entire psychological aspect of this story is really mishandled.

The movie also lacks any real suspense, since the film is centred around the fact that the characters are missing memories from the events that take place in the first movie audiences aren't fully invested in the characters' discoveries because we still remember everything that happened so it's really just boring and predictable. The lack of having audiences on the edge of their seats is why none of the suspense works and this movie feels too long. The pacing is also horrible and creates a film that can feel both cluttered at times and empty.
The cast was absolutely incredible though and the characters obviously manage to keep the audiences interested for a large amount of time. I also don't think this was a great follow up to the first IT and though I believe this movie was better with more drawl ins, the creators should have done more to keep the two films connected. There were some great visuals but at the same time, there were some horribly over the top visuals so I'd say they cancel each other out. I also enjoyed the comedic aspect of this film a lot more and think they did a much better job this time around with breaking the tension.

The movie had some thrills but I still believe the pacing ruins a lot of moments that had great potential to be scary and thrilling. At the end of the day, It Chapter 2 definitely had the potential to be good but despite the good moments, great performances and funny jokes the film is constantly falling apart due to horrible pacing and many boring and uninteresting moments. The film cast does it's best to redeem this movie but sadly they can't do another to cover for the predictable, over the top and boring mess that It Chapter Two ends up being!
Rating: 4.5/10