Long Shot was one of those films that I didn't even know existed before I saw all the positive critical reviews that made me really interested in finding out what this film was all about. After I saw that Seth Rogan was starring in this movie I knew I needed to watch it at some point but sadly it left my theatre after a week so I had to buy it on a Blu-ray a few days ago. Even with a positive response, I didn't know what to expect from this movie at all. I really had my expectations low because based off of the trailer it didn't seem like anything special.
I can now safely say that the only thing I regret is not watching this film when it was in my cinema. This movie was so much better then I could have ever expected! It was genuinely funny, well-acted, had a smart & genuinely interesting story and on top of all that was just very charming. I watched the majority of this movie with a smile on my face because I just felt happy watching this movie. I actually felt a connection with the characters in this film which made for a much better experience. I thought the long shot turned out to actually be a good movie was a long shot (HAHA) but I was completely blindsided when given arguably the best comedic film of the year so far. It has the basic structure of a typical generic comedy film but thanks to the interesting story the film actually becomes a lot more than that.

It is an interesting and thoughtful political romantic comedy which I found actually quite thought-provoking. It may have not been the greatest story with the greatest acting or the greatest anything but it was a very well made charming film that got a ton of laughs from me and also managed to get me thinking about certain aspects of my life afterwards! This film is much more than you probably think it is and I definitely suggest you give this movie a shot.

It has some issues, some of the jokes just suck, some useless filler scenes and characters but the good things in this movie are so good you don't really notice the bad while actually watching the film. Seth Rogan also killed it with his charming, comical and pretty realistic performance. Charlize Theron also killed it with her fantastic and thoughtful performance! This movie was definitely worth my time and money and I suggest you watch this ASAP!
Rating: 8.5/10