Plot- The wife and son of a Mexican drug lord embark on a vengeful quest to kill all those involved in his trial and imprisonment -- including Miami Detective Mike Lowrey. When Mike gets wounded, he teams up with partner Marcus Burnett and AMMO -- a special tactical squad -- to bring the culprits to justice. But the old-school, wisecracking cops must soon learn to get along with their new elite counterparts if they are to take down the vicious cartel that threatens their lives.

Bad Boys For Life is a movie you'd expect to be nothing more than the typical January cash grab that won't be anything more than a financial regret the next day but somehow the nearly two-decade-old sequel was something more than that. Bad Boys for lite was better than I think anyone could have expected, the film was in touch with its audience was easily one of the most fun films I've seen in the theatre over the last few months. The movie was a refreshing break from the super-serious oscar films that seem to all be about tragedy, so watching a big, fun, fast-paced and well-crafted action-comedy was exactly what I think us movie buffs needed to start the year off! The fun atmosphere was such a refreshing feeling coming off the series of intense oscar films! The incredible chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence was amazing and added a necessary charm that made the film even more fun to watch.

Bad Boys For Life isn't just a fun look back in time but it's a movie that seems to have a purpose, though, at times they are trying to say too much with little depth. Yet Bad Boys works in many ways. Like you can watch the film as a redemption story, a film about maturing or just a fun action film about beating up bad guys. No matter how you look at it somehow Bad Boys For Life Works and it really works well. Bad Boys For Life has the ability to turn witty one-liners into legitimately important dialogue.

The film felt so effortlessly fun that everything flew by, l really did enjoy every moment of the film. I was shocked that it had such a coherent and well-structured story like it does a great job at actually keeping you genuinely interested for the entire runtime constantly trying to figure things out while feeling genuinely involved and affected by this story. I also like how it fits really well with the series yet also stands out really well on its own making it probably the best Bad Boys movie so far. I also think that with a different ending this film would have been the perfect ending to the series though there is a part of me that wants to see what they do next.

The thing I was most worried about was how well the more matured version of these incredible characters would translate on screen nowadays. Well, the moment each character appeared on screen I really did fall right back into the world of Bad Boys. From the mannerisms and speech of the two main characters I knew despite the long elapse of time, everything felt natural like every piece fell back into the right place and that's coming from someone who loves the first two movies despite having not seen them in a long time. I was really impressed that the film was able to feel this way despite the big director change and I actually think bringing on new people behind the scenes is what put this film in the right direction and what made the film so good.

Of course, we gotta talk about the performances delivered by Will Smith and Martin Lawrence! They were both incredible and made it feel like they've been making films about those characters since Bad Boys 2! The chemistry between the two of them was amazing and felt as fresh as it ever did! They both did incredible jobs at bringing these characters back to life and was such a great experience watching it. Will Smith is at his best in year and same for Martin Lawrence. The dialogue delivery was amazing and the comedic timing from the legendary duo was fantastic, truly great performances from the both of them that really made me feel like a kid watching the original films all over again!

At the end of the day, Bad Boys For Life was a charming, explosive, fast-paced, heartwarming action comedy that delivers on most cylinders! The cast was amazing and that includes both the repeating team and the great newcomers. Despite some of the corny jokes Bad Boys For Life can be genuinely hilarious at many times and uses this comedy to bring life to this story. There are some bumps in the road due to some of the insanely over the top unrealistic scenes that can stick out like a sore thumb but it's worth sitting through for the amazing moments and feeling of nostalgia which is pulled off incredibly well but even what that being said this movie would work on its own outside of the Bad Boys series which is another thing I liked about it. The film manages to stand out and brings lots of good to the table. The film is also really well filmed and has some amazing shots to go with some of the best action I think we'll be seeing all year. The audio was also great and the budget for this film definitely didn't go to waste because from a technical perspective this film nails it. Bad Boys For Life is a seriously fun and great time for anyone at the movies and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone and if you just want to have a good time while also watching something with a heart, soul and sense of humour well then this is most definitely the film for you. Hell, even my girlfriend loved it and she normally gives every movie a 7 or lower but this time around she gave it a 9!